23 April 2008

hey guys: address human rights in new orleans and mexico...

this week, president bush will host the mexican and canadian heads of state in new orleans (go hornets!) to discuss issues of security and prosperity...two key issues must be on the agenda: the absence of security safeguards in mexico, and the lack of affordable housing in new orleans...

amnesty international sent a letter pushing the north american leaders to address these issues at their meeting...here are two things you can do to support this request with your grassroots actions:

demand housing rights for residents displaced by hurricane katrina
put human rights at the core of u.s. assitance to mexico...

new orleans: housing rights for katrina survivors
more than two and a half years into the human rights disaster of hurricane katrina, thousands remain displaced...the lack of affordable housing remains an obstacle for many gulf coast residents still struggling to return home...recent demolitions of housing developments have made the situation even worse...

the gulf coast housing recovery act addresses this housing crisis head on...while the house passed the measure with overwhelming bipartisan support, the senate continues to stall its progress...tell the Senate to finish the job –urge your senator to support affordable housing in the gulf coast...

mexico: security abuses
the mexican public security and criminal justice systems have a long history of human rights violations including arbitrary detentions and torture...congress will soon vote on more than half a billion dollars in aid for mexican military and police to combat organized crime and drug trafficking...however, these security forces are often the same perpetrators who abuse the criminal justice system and neglect human rights...

the united states and mexico should work together to address shared drug and security problems, but it cannot be at the expense of human rights...tell your legislators to add human rights safeguards to the u.s.-mexico security agreement...
with the risk of sounding repetitive let me say again - help put security safeguards in mexico and the affordable housing crisis in new orleans on the agenda during this week's crucial meeting...

peace out <3

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