03 October 2008

update: u.n. promises for human rights...

nearly 200 people came out during the u.n. general assembly (ny) to remind u.n. member states of their commitment to protect the people of darfur...

despite previous promises made by the u.n. security council and many u.n. member states to provide enough resources to darfur, critical equipment is lacking and not even half of the approved troops are on the ground...every day u.n. member states delay, more die in darfur...

all u.n. member states also pledged to achieve u.n. millennium development goals (mdg) - eight big picture goals aiming to improve social conditions in developing countries - by 2015...of all the mdgs, the least progress has been made to improve maternal health...

tell the un security council: delays are killing darfur
see pictures from the ny demonstration
the senate is about to act on the right to maternal health -- help ensure they pass senate resolution 616
read amnesty international's letter to president bush on the mdgs

peace out <3

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