24 March 2010

guantanamo - new zip code, no human rights...

yo yo yo yo peeps...

there are troubling rumors flying around washington that president obama is on the verge of cutting a political deal with enator lindsey graham (r-sc)...the president is actually considering rolling back attorney general eric holder's decision to prosecute terror suspects using fair trials in u.s. federal court...

the result would mean that while the guantanamo prison facility would finally be closed, detainees would continue to be held indefinitely without charge and denied fair trials, but just in a new location on u.s. soil...

Call Senator Graham's office – tell him why you oppose military courts and indefinite detention
Call the White House and urge Obama to support fair trials for Guantanamo detainees
Send an email to urge your member of Congress to stand up for fair trials

peace out <3

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