the day of their induction into the rock and roll hall of fame, r.e.m. presents "number 9 dream," the first release from the forthcoming album "instant karma: the campaign to save darfur,"...other recording artists include u2, green day, cristina aguilera, jack johnson, the black eyed peas and more...proceeds will go directly to amnesty international's critical work to ending the violence in darfur...
supported by yoko ono, who has generously donated all music publishing royalties, the cd - part of ai's global music activism project "make some noise" - aims to harness the power of lennon's solo songbook to inspire a new generation of activists to stand up for human rights...
instant karma: the campaign to save darfur, arrives nearly 20 years after ai's hugely successful worldwide human rights now! tour that celebrated the 40th anniversary of the signing of the universal declaration of human rights and introduced the idea of basic human rights protection to millions of people worldwide...the 1988 tour saw musicians including bruce springsteen, sing, peter gabriel, tracy chapman, and youssou n'dour join together in a series of live performances...hundreds of thousands of people filled stadiums and crowded into fields for concerts from south america to eastern europe and from africa to asia...
for the full skinny on instant karma: the campaign to save darfur click here...
to take action on darfur click here...
peace out <3
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