13 February 2008

take action: torture can never lead to justice...

that's right, evidence-based reality is that torture can never lead to justice...

even as the senate prepares for a crucial vote restricting the cia and other u.s. agents from using waterboarding and other unlawful techniques, the pentagon is moving forward with torture-tainted show trials for six detainees at guantánamo bay suspected of conspiring in the september 11 attacks...

the heinous attacks on september 11, 2001 were crimes against humanity...anyone involved must be brought to justice...but, the truth is, the u.s. government has -- at every turn --undermined the opportunity for justice for the victims of those attacks...

they did it by first disappearing the suspects into secret cia prisons, torturing "high value" suspects for information and then passing off that information as "evidence."...unconscionably, they have shifted the spotlight from justice for the victims of the september 11 attacks to the illegal behavior of the united states...

as one former navy admiral and judge advocate general put it, "Once you torture someone, it’s hard to untorture him."...if enough senators have the courage to act, we can take a huge step forward in ending Uu.storture...

thanks so much ya'll for all you do in promoting justice and protecting human rights!

peace out <3

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