26 September 2006

this is NOT a theoretical concern...

i don't think so...is the answer to the following question:

could 45 retired admirals and generals, military leaders and former dod officials be wrong about preserving the indivisible and universal provisions of humane treatment embedded in the geneva convention???

that includes 5 former members of the joint chiefs of staff!!! former u.s. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff john vessey, said:

"If such legislation is being considered, I fear that it may weaken America in two respects.
  • First, it would undermine the moral basis which has generally guided our conduct in war throughout our history.
  • Second, it could give opponents a legal argument for the mistreatment of Americans being held prisoner in times of war."

the signatories asked legislators to "consider the impact that redefining Common Article 3 would have on Americans who put their lives at risk in defense of our Nation...We believe their interests, and their safety and protection should they become prisoners, should be your highest priority as you address this issue."

Tell your Senators to block any legislation governing the treatment of detainees that does not follow and improve upon the principles laid out in the Graham-Warner-McCain proposal.
Click here to take action today!

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