otherwise jonah and i never hook-up (no you perverts - not that way) and i never get to share with you the darfur wall ...
see, some say that all things being equal (or accounted for) the simplest explanation (answer) is usually right (it's why you go with your first instinct" on multiple choice questions i guess) ... and that goes for organizing too - make things simple for people, offer them pathways to succeed, and your chances for success increase many fold - i think ...
now you all surely know about the human rights crisis that is darfur but if not click here for an overview and here for some context...
anyways, so jonah writes the tn_dude and says, "I develop and run a web site called The Darfur Wall -- http://darfurwall.org-- which raises money for four Darfur relief organizations in a unique way:by asking 400,000 people to donate $1 each...."
here's the summary:
"400,000 dark numbers cover the 40 panels of The Darfur Wall, eachrepresenting a person killed in Darfur. By donating $1 or more, you can light a number, turning it from dark gray to brilliant white. As we lightthe wall, we acknowledge the importance of each life lost, we cast light upon a tragedy too many have ignored, and we overcome one barrier to peace."
everyone has a buck - so if you've got a buck (and i know that you do) help support Doctors Without Borders ... Save the Children ... Save Darfur ... Sudan Aid Fund / Eric Reeves
click here now!!!
peace out <3
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