"It was early in the morning, people were sleeping. About 400 armed people cordoned the village, with military uniforms, the same ones worn by the army… Some were shot and others, such as children and the elderly, were burned alive in their houses."
- A villager of Murli (Darfur)
this is part of the narrative that accompanies the photo exhibit yesterday my village was burned produced by amnesty international to highlight the human nature of the genocide taking place in darfur, sudan...
these photos and testimonies, collected by amnesty international, reveal a nightmare that one can only begin to comprehend...while they depict the gravest of suffering, the photos also portray the best of humanity — the extraordinary courage and strength of the people of darfur as they look towards a more hopeful future...
the photo exhibit allows us a window through which we see that children have been killed, tortured, and forcibly displaced...of the 6.5 million people living in darfur, at least 2.8 million have been directly affected by the ongoing violence and tens of thousands of people have lost their lives...
the nashville chapter of amnesty international has the full series mounted on foam board and available to be installed in your church, synagogue, mosque, other places of worship, schools, or offices...we have fact sheets, petitions, actions, reports to supplement the exhibit and empower your community members to make a difference...
call us at 615-473-2950 or e-mail us at aiusa149@bellsouth.net to find out how to get the photo exhibit installed today...
peace out <3
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