you see the educational focus of this year's nashville v-day event is violence against women in conflict (and post-conflict) zones and the prevalence of violence against women in guatemala today has its roots in historical and cultural values which have maintained women’s subordination and which were most evident during the 36-year internal armed conflict that ended with the signing of the united nations-brokered peace accords in 1996...and of the estimated 200,000 people who "disappeared" or were extra-judicially executed during guatemala’s internal armed conflict, a quarter of the victims were women...
that's synergy...
more than 2,500 women and girls have been brutally murdered in guatemala since 2001 and the killings are rising at an alarming rate...at the same time, actions by the guatemalan government to bring those responsible to justice are insufficient...
a house resolution condemning these brutal killings has been reintroduced in congress by representative hilda solis and may go to the floor for a vote at any time! Urge your representative now to support this resolution »
this resolution:- expresses the sympathy of the house of representatives to the families of women and girls murdered in guatemala, and - encourages the government of guatemala to bring an end to these crimes...(that is, get their freaking heads out of their BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP)...
take this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of women and girls in guatemala. Contact your Representative as soon as possible and ask her/him to sign on to this important resolution » ...
peace out <3
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