"if i were in michigan...bada biddle biddle biddle bada la la la..." - or something to that effect...
well, in 1984, a company called union carbide was responsible for the worst industrial disaster in history in bhopal, india...40 tons of deadly gas was released. 7,000 people died in the next few days and 15,000 have died since from illnesses related to the accident...
may 10th is dow's annual shareholders meeting...students for bhopal and amnesty international are organizing a protest at the meeting to send a message to dow that corporate irresponsibility will not be tolerated, and to demand that dow:
- CLEAN UP toxic wastes and contaminated groundwater left by this disaster
- FACE TRIAL, and ensure that Union Carbide and Warren Anderson present themselves in the Indian Courts
- COOPERATE with authorities assessing the long-term health consequences of the explosion
- MAKE PUBLIC information about the toxicity of reaction products released during the leak
over 100,000 victims still suffer from illnesses because of this event...in a 1989 settlement, union carbide agreed to pay $470 million to victims...however, $330 million still has not been paid to the victims...in addition, the site is still heavily contaminated and residents are continuously being poisoned without access to clean drinking water...in 2001, the dow chemical company based in midland, michigan (hence the mangled show tune ya'll) bought union carbide and with it, its liabilities...dow refuses to clean up the spill. more information visit »
22 Years & 20,000 Dead: DOW Clean Up Bhopal Now!
22 Years & 20,000 Dead: DOW Clean Up Bhopal Now!
peace out <3
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