pronunciation: \kə-ˈla-bə-ˌrāt\
function: intransitive verb
inflected form(s): col·lab·o·rat·ed; col·lab·o·rat·ing
1 : to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
2 : to cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately connected
amnesty international is excited to be partnering with working assets' actforchange to urge the senate to make private military contractors in iraq accountable for their actions...
so now, just imagine you are driving or walking through nisour square, baghdad...suddenly repeated shots come from vehicles protecting a u.s. convoy...your sister or your father now lay bleeding and dying in the street...it makes it even more painful to know that, even if they were unprovoked, the guys with the guns might never see a day in court, let alone spend a day in jail, for what they have done....
yet that's what could happen with blackwater employees who, after reportedly firing shots that killed at least 11 iraqis, might never face criminal charges because loopholes in u.s. law mean that civilian contractors are practically free to treat iraq and afghanistan like the wild west...
congress is trying to do something about this...one bill has already been passed in the house and its companion is awaiting a senate vote...
take action now and tell your senators to support the security contractor accountability act to make sure this doesn't happen again...
peace out <3
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