amnesty international usa (aiusa), the national association for the advancement of colored people (naacp), the american civil liberties union (aclu) and other coalition members in savannah georgia will gather for a "community march for justice" on saturday, october 13, to raise issues of concern with the criminal justice system in georgia...the groups are also calling on georgia authorities to hear evidence in the case of death row inmate troy davis that has not yet been examined by any court, and will be gathering to demonstrate that fairness matters to the savannah community...
the rally begins at noon at bolton street baptist church in savannah...speakers will include martina correia, sister of troy davis, rev. james shipman, pastor of the bolton street baptist church and sue gunawardena-vaughn, director of aiuswa's program to abolish the death penalty...shareef cousin, an exonerated death row inmate, and ronald cotton and darryl hunt, two former prisoners who were wrongfully convicted and later exonerated, will also address the rally...
we are calling for a full and fair examination of the evidence in the case of troy davis, who has been on death row since 1991 for the murder of mark allen macphail, a police officer...seven of nine non-police witnesses for the prosecution have recanted or contradicted their testimony...
on july 16, the georgia state board of pardons and paroles granted davis a temporary stay of execution, pending further review of the case...on friday, august 3, the georgia supreme court agreed to hear davis' appeal to present evidence that could demonstrate his strong case for innocence; that hearing is scheduled for november 13 in atlanta...
peace out <3
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