unfortunately the romani children in bosnia and herzegovina, croatia and slovenia are effectively being excluded from education which is the gateway to a fulfilling and engaging life of dignity...
extreme poverty, discrimination in schools and the lack of truly inclusive and multicultural curricula violate the right to education of romani children in bosnia and herzegovina, croatia and slovenia, found an intensive amnesty international report released last november...the governments of these three countries have so far failed to address the needs of romani children...
the report, False starts: The exclusion of Romani children from primary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia can be found by clicking here...
the governments of the three countries featured in the report have adopted special programs and action plans aimed at the inclusion of the romani population in education...however, governments and non-governmental organizations alike admit that access to education for romani children is partial at best...
- free meals, textbooks and transportation are sometimes provided to romani children, but even getting to school can be impossible when the school is too far away to reach on foot and children's clothes are not warm enough to cope with a bitter winter...
- children are often unable to study or do homework in cold, overcrowded homes...
- romani children are in some cases discriminated against by their own teachers...
in bosnia and herzegovina, only 15 percent of all romani children complete elementary school, according to some estimates...in croatia, only 27 percent of romani children do...in dolenjska region of slovenia, only 39 percent of romani children attend school regularly...
but you can help by demanding equal education for romani children...just click here to tale action on-line and send letters or emails on their behalf...please do it because they can not do it alone...
the same link will lead you to post cards you can print out and distribute to school classes, either faith-based or secular, so hat children can become active agents for children...
peace out <3
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