name given by anglo-saxons to the christian passover as the feast of resurrection, and rather incorrectly used for the jewish passover ... n the course of time it appears that custom and tradition differed in the various churches of the east and the west, some laying stress upon fiday as the historical day of the crucifixion, others again adhering more to the jewish custom of celebrating the fourteenth day of nisan; but as the anti-judean element obtained ascendency, the connection of the jewish and the christian passover was severed ...
and so a link that was once jewish in character became more ritually pagan in character...for more detail click here...
nonetheless as is passover then easter is a ritually important religious holiday and reflection upon it deserves that individuals might take action on behalf of those suffering repression and mistreatment (and even execution) as jesus did at the hands of the romans so here are 3 opportunities...
peace out <3
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