donny reyes is the treasurer of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (lgbt) rights group asociación lésbico, gay, travesti y bisexual arcoiris, which was set up in 2003...police raided arcoiris’s offices on 12 June and 1 July 200 6, taking documents and destroying computers and furniture...about 2 and a half weeks ago lgbt rights activist donny reyes was reportedly arbitrarily detained by police in the comayagüela district of the capital, tegucigalpa, on 18 march...
all i'm asking you to do is write a few letters, in fact the same letter to several parties because the collective, coordinated action of people like you and me produces results (some near term and others far term - ever hear the phrase the arc of the universe is towards justice?)...
for full background on the case click here...to take action easily on-line by printing out the letter to mail or by sending an e-mail click here...
in less than 10 minutes you can join thousands of us and make a difference...what are you waiting on???
peace out <3
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