according to a new amnesty international report, native american and alaska native women in the united states suffer disproportionately high levels of rape and sexual violence, yet the federal government has created substantial barriers to accessing justice....native american and alaska native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in the usa...
check this - one in three native american and alaska native women will be raped in their lifetime ... 1 in every three!!!
and who's committing these heinous sex crimes??? in at least 86 per cent of the reported cases of rape or sexual assault against american indian and alaska native women, survivors report that the perpetrators are non-native men...
"Native women are brutalized at an alarming rate, and the United States government, a purported champion of women's rights, is unfortunately contributing to the problem," said Larry Cox, executive director of Amnesty International USA (AIUSA). "It is disgraceful that such abuse even exists today. Without immediate action, an already abysmal and outrageous situation for women could spiral even further out of control. It is time to halt these human rights abuses that have raged unfettered since this country was founded."
take action here, yes you, right now...
to watch a slide show - maze of injustice - click here...
you can download a pdf of the full report too...
stop violence against women - all women...
peace out <3
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