part of being strategic is managing the message and i sooooooooooooooo get that...but if that was all there was to life why did g_d grant us the wisdom to create the blogosphere - you know, the place where mark twain would have gone were he still alive when people did or said something so incredulous, aesthetically heinous, or just plain jaw-dropping culturally value-contrary that moderation, restraint, and yes, even best behavior must be tossed blithely to the wind...
are you with me so far??? good, i'd hoped i hadn't left you in the dust cause this just gets my craw on so many levels...
two missouri republicans - now why for gosh darn sakes in a bipartisan needy world does it have to be two republicans - have proposed a law that would create an execution team and mandates that the identifies of the team's members be kept confidential... i mean setting aside the whole issue of little-d democracy and the silly notion that government policy making and execution (that pun just slipped right out there, really, like a greased pig through a crack in the wall of an abattoir) should be open-door with unfettered access by citizens, taxpayers, or the electorate what is really being said here???
i don't mean to sound anything less than humble here but my mother is proud of what i have chosen to do with my life so i'm having a hard time grasping why a highly-skilled someone would choose to engage in professional behavior that their mother wouldn't gladly share in that holiday letter that has become so popular - you know the ones where you tell who did what, which babies were born, who was married or divorced, and what jarvis the hampster did that was so golly gee cute that he joins the family in the picture on the holiday card in which the letter is bundled - i mean who wouldn't be proud of a medical professional for example who participates in a methodical homicide that takes the life of a human against his or her will ... i mean jeesh, here on easter weekend why wouldn't you just call up rush limbaugh and share with america on some 250,000 watt super station located just over the mexican border how your boy or girl just makes you all warm and fuzzy with their intentional life choices...
but seriously i digress...
so rep. danielle moore, r-fulton says that "under this bill, members of the execution team will be protected from a smear campaign"...
oh my gawd - i mean what's to smear here ... they didn't propose this bill because they want to protect some minimum wage workers in the missouri corrections system who can choose between the work they do or perhaps a job at hardees - you know where they sell those monster biscuits that includes enough pork that if the aforementioned greased pig actually did escape the slaughterhouse that it would only keep hardees from selling a single monster biscuit - but they have done this to protect a medical professional who likely has plenty of disposable income without moonlighting as a ghoulish consultant of homicide methodology...seriously that's class discrimination at the policy level...
and besides, these medical professionals should see if there aren't consultant gigs with hardees what with these monster biscuits clogging arteries like cement poured into a county water line...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...i needed to get that off my chest...thanks for listening...
peace out <3
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