18 April 2007

corporate accountability doesn't have to be an oxymoron...

see the thing is that here in the u.s. the legal system treats corporations as an individual with all the rights inherent therein...which leads me to wonder why we don't expect corporations to maintain a level of "personal" accountability on par with what we expect from say "welfare mothers"...

in other words all companies have a direct responsibility to respect human rights in their own operations...and amnesty international believes that the business community also has a wider responsibility -- moral and legal -- to use its influence to promote respect for human rights...

i think that we should support national and international legal instruments (UN Norms for Business, Alien Tort Claims Act, International Right to Know) that promote greater corporate responsibility for human rights, including those that assure the risk of legal accountability if a company commits or is complicit in human rights abuses in their operations...

and on my mind most recently is that employees and individual contractors of u.s.government contracted companies are alleged to have abused, tortured and killed people in areas including iraq and afghanistan, but not a single one has been brought to justice...tell congress to demand accountability of contractors in the “war on terror”...

i'm just sayin'...check out amnesty's business and human rights site...

peace out <3

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