08 September 2007

help me help you to continue to remember darfur's forgotten women...

let's face it people, living in darfur every day is a challenge...every night is a fight for survival...and for displaced darfuri women the threats and violence are even worse...

at the border camps between chad and darfur, hundreds of thousands of displaced women and girls face the threat of abduction and gang rape, each accompanied by serious psychological trauma...

it happens every day while women are collecting firewood or water – mostly at the hands of sudanese armed militias, as an amnesty delegation discovered in may...these attacks are rarely disclosed, and local authorities often refuse to intervene on behalf of vulnerable women...

with your help as a committed activist, we are mobilizing to end this brutal violence...please urge the u.n. security council to authorize a peacekeeping force in eastern chad ensuring protection for the women of darfur....

your actions have been paving the road to peace in darfur...
this summer, with active support from amnesty international activists, the u.s. senate unanimously passed a resolution calling on china to use its influence to end the violence in darfur...the resolution asks the chinese government to use its economic leverage to urge sudanese president omar al-bashir to open sudan’s doors to u.n. peacekeepers immediately...
chad's ambassador in washington gave direct credit to amnesty international usa at a press conference to announce a reversal in chad's policy, which will now allow u.n. and other peacekeepers into eastern chad...

and, as i reported last month, you activists played an important part in the passage of the u.n. security council resolution authorizing the deployment of 26,000 peacekeepers and police in darfur by the end of this year...

after four long years of crisis in darfur, i ask that you maintain your unwavering support to end the devastating armed conflict there...you will continue to be presented with opportunities to make your voice heard, as well as updates on our successes...

peace out <3

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