13 September 2007

it's time to tear down guantanamo bay one pixel at a time...

"We could never gain as much from that torture as we lose in world opinion. It's not about the terrorists, it's about us. It's about what kind of country we are."

- John McCain -

i believe and i want you to believe that we have the power to finally close guantánamo bay baby...the detention camps there are now synonymous with torture and injustice, and they've scarred the united states' reputation as a defender of human rights without making us any safer...

check that again - without making us any safer...

from across the political spectrum, across the globe, calls are mounting to shut down guantánamo bay and either charge and try those imprisoned or release them...

join me now and help strike the final blow to the bush administrations' failed policies at guantánamo bay...so sign the petition and get your pixel today....then ask your friends and family to do the same...once we reach 500,000 signatures, the prison will come down, and we'll have the political power to end this human rights disgrace...

take the step and help build the numbers we need...

peace out <3>

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