11 September 2007

your chance to join an online chat with a darfuri refugee garelnabi...

i'd like to share an inspiring story with you...it's about a young man who faced enormous personal tragedy in war-torn darfur, and turned his experience into action by speaking out against the atrocities he saw with his own eyes...

garelnabi fled his north darfur home in 2003, after janjawid and sudanese government forces killed 60 people in his village, including his grandmother, brother, younger sister, and uncle...his mother, two sisters, and a brother currently live in a refugee camp in eastern chad...

he will share his story, discuss his role as an activist, and answer your questions during the live web chat...

you can submit a question for garelnabi before the chat , then join him this thursday at 1pm est (10am pst)...

peace out <3

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