27 June 2007

america's founding fathers might puke: 385 prisoners and one conviction...

"The 5-year-old prison at Guantánamo is a stain on the honor of this country. By holding people at Guantánamo without charge, without judicial review, without appropriate legal counsel, and ... subjecting many of them to torture, we have forfeited the moral high ground and we stand as hypocrites in the eyes of the world."

- Sen. Tom Harkin, introducing his bill before the Senate

i believe that it's safe to say that shutting down gitmo as it is known has become a mainstream idea...as it has been said - we've come a long way baby...

if you agree that we must close guantánamo bay prison and restore the america we believe in, take action now and help amnesty international win this critical battle...

senator harkin's guantánamo bay detention facility closure act of 2007 gives the bush administration 120 days to either charge or release guantánamo prisoners...this and other congressional initiatives finally offer a real chance to put this dark chapter behind us - and begin the difficult work of reinstating core american principles of justice...

a few days ago, even president bush's former secretary of state colin powell called for closing guantánamo...

as you know, many guantánamo detainees have been subjected to torture and held in a legal no-man's land without charge or trial for up to five years...perhaps if they put scooter libby down there while he awaits his appeal for obstructing justice and undermining the fundamental democratic precepts of a free society...

i'm just saying...

send your senators an e-mail today asking them to support senate bill 1469...

peace out <3

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