similar to other child soldiers across africa, pierre, now 17, was going through a disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration program so he could go home after the conflict in his country, the democratic republic of congo (drc), ended in 2003...
instead of going home, however, unicef and independent press reported that he, along with other children, was forcibly sent to a drc government army brigade...according to the united nations, several drc government-run army brigades are hiding hundreds of children and sending them into battle against local armed groups...you can take action now to help end the use of child soldiers...
in africa, the governments of burundi, chad, cote d’ivoire, democratic republic of congo (drc), and uganda are reportedly still involved in the recruitment or use of children for their own armed forces or are directly linked to armed groups that use children in warfare...
in commemoration of the day of the african child today, june 16th, amnesty international usa is highlighting the plight of children associated with government armed forces or government-supported armed groups in africa...the day aims to further the understanding of specific problems for children and to improve their safety...
as a u.s. citizen i along with most of you have an opportunity to press governments implicated in child soldier use to end their support for the recruitment and use of child soldiers.so i ask that you tell your u.s. senators to co-sponsor the child soldier prevention act (s. 1175), which restricts u.s. military assistance to governments that are supporting the recruitment or use of child soldiers until they stop these practices.
will you abide???
i didn't think so...now join the dude and take just two minutes to help make a difference.
peace w/justice,
the tennessee dude
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