the house of representatives is shaping the u.s. aid package to colombia...
coincidence??? i think not...so please, pretty please contact your congressional representative and advocate for funding to be redirected to support human rights in colombia...
lest you were unaware more than 3 million colombians - 3,000,000 - have been internally displaced because of the war and reports of extrajudicial executions of civilians by the army are on the rise...civilians in conflict areas are viewed by the army as enemies instead of victims of guerrilla forces...
despite this - having had its empathy gene amputated sometime back in september 2001 i imagine - the bush administration wants to maintain funding levels to colombia allowing for more than $500 million to be directed in military assistance...in the past six years the united states has sent more than $5 billion to colombia, about $4 billion of which has gone directly to the security forces...
with your support, with your action, we can make a difference in the lives of millions of civilians in colombia...
peace out <3
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