a report by the council of europe’s parliamentary assembly confirmed, in june 2007, that the u.s. central intelligence agency (cia) has operated secret detention centres in poland and romania...the report does not rule out the possibility that secret cia detentions may also have occurred in other council of europe (coe) member states...
the report reinforces earlier findings by the coe and the european parliament and is further confirmation of amnesty international’s conclusions that some european member states have been complicit in the u.s.-led programme of renditions and secret detention...
both the european parliament and bodies of the coe have recommended measures aimed at disclosure of further facts about what has occurred and to prevent further human rights violations of this nature from taking place in the eu...
not a damn one of these recommendations has been implemented to date!
not a damn one of these recommendations has been implemented to date!
the eu and all european governments must take steps to ensure that counter-terrorism measures do not lead to individuals being subjected to rendition, secret or arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, torture or other ill-treatment, or other serious human rights violations...
they must also ensure that allegations of human rights violations are fully and independently investigated, that those responsible are brought to justice and that the victims receive adequate reparation...
you can read amnesty international's public statement here: council of europe: amnesty international calls for action against renditions
to take action: you can copy and paste this sample letter into an e-mail or a document to print out...please send appeals to e-mail: pm@pm.gov.pt
Prime Minister José Sócrates
Rua da Imprensa à Estrela
Dear Prime Minister,
I am deeply concerned about the role that some EU Member States have played in the US-led programme of renditions and secret detention.
Inquiries carried out by the Council of Europe and the European Parliament found that some EU Member States had been complicit in renditions and secret detention and recommended measures to prevent renditions in or through Europe in future. I am deeply troubled that none of the recommendations has been implemented to date.
In view of Portugal’s Presidency of the European Union, from July to December 2007, I urge you to ensure that the EU Council publicly condemns rendition and that the recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe are implemented, including by ensuring that:
- the EU does not allow national or foreign intelligence agencies to operate without effective control on its territory;
- Member States encourage and provide full information to independent parliamentary and/or judicial inquiries into allegations of co-operation in renditions;
- all Member States provide accurate and thorough information on rendition and secret detention to the European Parliament, the EU Council, the EU Commission and the Council of Europe
peace out <3
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