amnesty international usa, the international human rights clinic at nyu school of law and the center for constitutional rights (ccr) filed a lawsuit in u.s. federal court under the freedom of information act (foia) seeking the disclosure of information concerning “disappeared” detainees...amnesty international and five leading human rights groups - cageprisoners, ccr, the center for human rights and global justice at nyu school of law, human rights watch, and reprieve - released the most comprehensive list to date naming missing individuals believed to have been secretly detained by u.s. agents who are still missing, and reporting on the detention of suspects’ relatives, including children...
ugh...our government...who the hell runs that mess and why do we let them do it...
in two weeks in tennessee we will visit and lobby freshman senator bob corker on this issue and habeas...find or start a delegation in your u.s. area....
» read the press release (pdf)
» view the lawsuit (pdf)
habeas is a centuries old protection of the law of these united states...let's return it to its proper place within the foremost democracy in the america i believe in...
peace out <3
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