now not everyone is as homespun as i am but the blogs are pretty darn good (even if the death penalty blog i post for is the only one with fresh content guaranteed daily)...
so here's a sample of what's up on each of the four blogs today...
live from gitmo - update 06/04/07 which begins...
The United States government went 0 for 2 today in its attempts to arraign two people before the newly configured military commissions. Struck down by the Supreme Court just shy of a year ago, the government reformulated the commissions under new legislation passed by the Congress last fall called the "Military Commissions Act" (MCA). By the end of the day, charges were dismissed without prejudice in the cases of Omar Khadr and Salim Ahmed Hamdan.
saddened by the loss of agnes vadas - which starts...
...an incredible human rights defender. We received the following message this morning from the Deputy Director of our Western Regional Office:
[...] Many of you know Agnes Vadas, founder, as well as longtime group coordinator, of the Friday Harbor Group 607 (Friday Harbor is part of the San Juan Islands, a cluster of islands off the coast of NW Washington). Agnes passed Sunday, June 3, 2007 after a long sparkling life.
until we all are free - which opens with...
What makes you different than me? What makes she different than he? How does it differ from that and what is that that makes them believe that you don't deserve the same equal protection from the law as I do? You've got me. Logic and common sense would lead me to believe nothing and yet nearly four decades after the historic Stonewall riots the targeting of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals for police abuse and misconduct remains a widespread problem in America.
let's be blunt about intentional ignorance... - which is where i blog daily under the nom de guerre the tennessee dude - and opens the door today with...
from the diaries of the tennessee dude...
a ruling by a three judge panel of the 8th circuit court of appeals has lifted a moratorium on executions imposed in missouri last june...a year ago u.s. district judge fernando j. gaitan jr. ruled that missouri's execution procedure was unconstitutional...this paves the way for the state of missouri to restart the execution engine in the state...
so check out the blogs from a central site located here and keep abreast of how we keep you abreast of what there is in the world of human rights to keep abreast of...(i just made 10$ u.s. for using abreast 5 times in this post)... :-)
peace out <3
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