the treaty for the rights of women, officially known as the united nations convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (cedaw) is the most complete international agreement on basic rights for women...
in other words it serves as a women's rights "umbrella" treaty...
as of april 2007, the treaty has been ratified by 185 countries....the united states played an important role in drafting this treaty but now is only one in eight countries that has yet to ratify it...
you can take a simple action to help amnesty international lobby for the
passage of cedaw - so simple that it's as easy as creating a picture for your myspace page...

all within 10 feet of where you now sit you can take and submit a photograph of yourself, your local group members and/or friends or members of your community...your photo will put a face to your name and will send a message to your senator that you want the treaty for the rights of women ratified now...the photos will be gathered together and delivered to senators as part of a larger action during the course of the campaign...
for easy, no, make that E-Z instructions on how to format and submit your photo just click here...
as always please forward this action blog around your circle or fave 5 and hey, copy your photo to us so we can post it on our myspace site as well...thanks and -
peace out <3
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