amnesty international believes that justice is essential to building a lasting peace in darfur, and that cooperation with the icc is the best hope of bringing to justice perpetrators of the worst crimes committed in darfur...the icc was established in 2002 by the international community to serve as the world’s first, permanent, independent court capable of prosecuting individuals accused of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity when national courts are unable or unwilling to do so...
please take action today by sending two important messages to your elected officials in washington d.c.: strengthen the u.s. government’s relationship with the icc, and keep the pressure on sudanese authorities to cooperate fully with and provide all necessary assistance to the icc and its prosecutor, as mandated by the u.n. security council...
it is a critical time to let the u.s. government know that we support the icc and its work in darfur...thank you for taking the time to speak out for human rights and international justice...
as a final note for you up-and-atom go-getters amnesty international activists across the u.s. are taking action in support of the international criminal court this july...to learn more about local international justice day events in the works and how you can get involved, contact amnesty international at ija@aiusa.org or just sign up »
if you can't take action on darfur perhaps you're simply too self-absorbed...think about it...
peace out <3
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