03 June 2007

even if you're hungover when you write and send them...

your letters make a difference in rights defenders' lives...

that's right, it's the letters that matter...as i so often encourage you to consider taking five minutes out of your day, whether they're minutes minutes you would have otherwise spent in "tasks" that you would consider either important or frivolous it's an investment in protecting the dignity of other human beings - and therefore your own - and THAT matters...

i imagine that when you listen to oksana chelysheva and jennifer latheef tell you personally how that collective yet simple action mattered to them and other prisoners of conscience that you'll have an aha moment and maybe ad it to your weekly to do list...

you can click here and participate in either on-line e-mail actions or print out letters to fax or mail and make a difference...if yo do it while your baby or young child is napping you can then read them the letter you sent when they wake up, hug and kiss them, and know that you're taking a small step, with others around the world, to create a world in which each and every human being's inherent self-worth and dignity is recognized and matters...

peace out <3

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