that's right, amnesty international usa is showing the (nsa...homeland security???) that technology is a benign tool in the service of individual or institutional values and ethics...
amnesty international is using satellite cameras to monitor highly vulnerable villages in war-torn darfur, sudan...the human rights organization is inviting ordinary people worldwide to monitor 12 villages by visiting the eyes on darfur project website (http://www.eyesondarfur.org/) and put the sudanese government on notice that these and other areas in the region are being watched around the clock...
tick tock...tick tock...
ariela blätter, director of the crisis prevention and response center for amnesty international usa (aiusa), who led development of eyes on darfur, will describe the project and its capabilities at the fifth international symposium on digital earth at the university of california at berkeley today, wednesday, june 6, just a few hours from this posting of this blog...
according to irene khan, secretary general of amnesty international:
"Despite four years of outrage over the death and destruction in Darfur, the Sudanese government has refused worldwide demands and a U.N. resolution to send peacekeepers to the region...Darfur needs peacekeepers to stop the human rights violations. In the meantime, we are taking advantage of satellite technology to tell President al-Bashir that we will be watching closely to expose new violations...Our goal is to continue to put pressure on Sudan to allow the peacekeepers to deploy and to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable civilians on the ground in Darfur."
well hooray for our side, you know, the one that promotes a life embedded in dignity for all human beings...
to read the press release click here...
peace out y'all <3
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